How to Read Mat Files in R and Access Struct Fields

How to load Matlab .mat files in Python

Ashique Mahmood

The information

Loading .mat files

          from import loadmat
annots = loadmat('cars_train_annos.mat')

Formatting the data

> dict_keys(['__header__', '__version__', '__globals__', 'annotations'])
          This file gives documentation for the cars 196 dataset.
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Descriptions of the files are as follows:
Contains a cell array of class names, one for each grade.
Contains the variable 'annotations', which is a struct assortment of length
num_images and where each element has the fields:
bbox_x1: Min 10-value of the bounding box, in pixels
bbox_x2: Max x-value of the bounding box, in pixels
bbox_y1: Min y-value of the bounding box, in pixels
bbox_y2: Max y-value of the bounding box, in pixels
course: Integral id of the class the image belongs to.
fname: Filename of the image inside the binder of images.
Aforementioned format as 'cars_train_annos.mat', except the class is not provided.
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Submission file format
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Files for submission should be .txt files with the class prediction for
paradigm Thou on line Grand. Note that epitome M corresponds to the Mth notation in
the provided notation file. An example of a file in this format is
Included in the devkit are a script for evaluating training accuracy,
eval_train.thou. Usage is:
>> [accuracy, confusion_matrix] = eval_train('train_perfect_preds.txt')
If your training predictions work with this function then your testing
predictions should exist practiced to go for the evaluation server, assuming
that they're in the same format equally your training predictions.
>(numpy.ndarray, (ane, 8144))
>(numpy.void, ())
          annots['annotations'][0][0]['bbox_x1'], annots['annotations'][0][0]['fname']          > (array([[39]], dtype=uint8), assortment(['00001.jpg'], dtype='<U9'))        
          [particular.flat[0] for particular in annots['annotations'][0][0]]          > [39, 116, 569, 375, xiv, '00001.jpg']        

Hullo Pandas

          information = [[row.flat[0] for row in line] for line in annots['annotations'][0]]          columns = ['bbox_x1', 'bbox_y1', 'bbox_x2', 'bbox_y2', 'class', 'fname']
df_train = pd.DataFrame(data, columns=columns)


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