simplify hotel check-in and checkout

A hotel's check-in system has certainly evolved over the years. A quick service is one of the topmost priorities for any guest. An automated check-in ensures guests can quickly proceed to their rooms without spending time at the front desk. Hotels that still employ traditional methods of manual entries increase the waiting period for guests and risk making the wrong impression on the minds of the tired travelers. This simply indicates a "bad service" – a tag best avoidable for your hotel brand.

It's important a hotel's check-in system and a check-out system must be superfast to ensure the waiting period at the front desk for guests is considerably reduced. An automated process ensures all details are already in the system allowing front desk staff to work swiftly irrespective of the number of guests that arrive at the desk.

How can a hotel's online check-in system speed up the process for hoteliers?
Technology, can indeed be a gamechanger. Let's find out how.

4 ways to build a smart front desk for hotel owners to simplify a hotel's check-in and checkout process:

The use of sophisticated technologies can help hotel owners elevate every aspect of guest experience. Smart hotel owners know the importance of going beyond a guest's expectations to provide an exceptional service. And, technology is indeed making it simple everyday.

1. Focus on Mobile Check-in, Kiosks, Self check-ins

Any guest who arrives at your hotel after a journey would expect a quick check-in. Use the remote check-in process to reduce waiting time at the front desk. This gives complete control to your guests, they can even surf online and finalize a room of their choice. A hotel's mobile check-out and check-in system via a mobile application can also be made available for loyalty card members. Guests can know more about your services and even avail offers online. A self check-out process can also be speedy with the help of a mobile-optimized hotel software.

Check-in kiosks placed in the lobby allows guests to do much more than just check-in, they can even edit their requirements without waiting for assistance. Automated check-in reduces paperwork and guests can check-in virtually due to technology. Registered guests who have received the bar code can easily operate their room doors bypassing the hotel's front desk entirely. The automated check-in and hotel's check-out systems simplifies as well as personalizes the entire process.

2. Use guest data, save time

With the help of a cloud-based property management system, a hotel's check-in process will always be faster particularly if the system can store guest data. Having details about your repeat visitors helps during the reservation process and also during check-ins. You can store documents in the system such as an identity proof eliminating the need to capture same data repeatedly. It's easy to personalize services with the available data. Being aware about the preferences of rooms, customer requirements and more will save time for your hotel staff. Access to this information reduces time spent during the check-in and check-out process.

3. Make speedy room allocations

Guests have expectations and they can even change their demands at the time of check-ins. What if you face a situation where in a guest requests a room upgrade or a different room on the lower floor? You can simplify the hotel's online check-in system with the help of a hotel property management system (PMS). It's easy to reallocate a room for last-minute requests. All you need to do is log on to the system and check the available rooms as per preferences. You can easily fulfill a guests' request and definitely meet up to their expectation and create a great first impression.

4. Faster billings procedures for check-out

A speedy hotel check-out is also the key to create a favourable impression in the minds of your guests. With the help of a cloud-based hotel reservation system, you can automate billing procedures and simplify the entire process in no time. Print bills easily for corporate accounts, split bills between room sharers, and add point of sale bills from your different counters – all within a click. You save time spent on coordination between departments, phone calls, and leave no room for errors. Guests who have an early morning flight to catch can use the hotel's mobile check-out system. You can easily expedite the process without any billing hassles with the help of smart technologies such as a PMS on the cloud.

A hotel's mobile check-in system as well as a hotel's online check-out system needs to be in sync with today's high-tech world. Guests expect efficiency, convenience and great service. Hotel owners can certainly meet up to the expectations or even exceed them by embracing technology and using it to the maximum.

So, what have you done to simplify the process today?

simplify hotel check-in and checkout